Ace Dance Studios is back! My journey to my dream continues…
Hi everyone,
It’s been a long journey since I first opened the studio back in 2006 which was known back then as D2MG Hip Hop Academy. In 2010 I was honoured to be asked by one of my dance idols in the Australian scene, Nao Aikawa, to evolve the studio as a partnership, also renaming it to Ace Dance Studios to separate ourselves from the UNSW Hip Hop Society – D2MG (which I’m proud to say is still going strong to this day).
A lot of people told me to give up, to let it go and leave it all behind during my journey. It was tough but I had a vision (which I still do, but now it’s gotten bigger and bolder) and I was so committed to it that I went through the toughest times in my life because I had an unwavering belief that I could achieve that vision, and I’m still working towards it.
After our lease ended at our Randle St studio in November 2012, I decided to take a break and focus on myself for the first time since I was 18. The past 10 years had been a non-stop, hard working kinda decade that I’m very proud of, but needed to pause for a minute. I had no idea when I would be able to start again and had stepped out of the dance scene for a while, when my good friend Ms Chris Ladera called me one day to say that she had found the perfect place for a studio.
Again, it happened naturally and easily; we formed a partnership with her Capoeira Topazio company and Ace, signed the lease within a week of discovering the place and quietly opened the studio a few weeks later, in November 2013.
So there I was, exactly a year later, with a new studio and a fresh way of looking at things. I haven’t made a big announcement until now, which is very unusual, but not reflective of the state of the studio. We’ve been going strong ever since we opened with a variety of classes, workshops and new people. The website hasn’t even been updated because I’ve been focusing on other things so I apologise for the delay in this.
I’m looking forward to a bright future for the Ace Dance Studio, our community and all our supporters – massive thank you to those who believe in us.
Lastly, I want to share my vision for the studio with you. It’s very personal and sometimes it’s scary to put yourself and your dreams out there, but after everything I’ve been through, I can honestly say I have nothing to lose.
My vision for Ace Dance Studios is to be the largest and most respected provider of quality dance education in Australia.
My reason for doing this, my mission statement, is because I want to empower people with the freedom to express themselves through dance.
I know a few of my friends and supporters will tell me that I should aim bigger, and be the best in the world. So I’m trying to be balanced and aim for a certain milestone until I get enough confidence to hit a bigger milestone. I’m also including non-dance but related physical art forms such as gymnastics, tricking, martial arts, etc. But honestly, I will be happy just to help change people’s lives for the better.
So, here I go again
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