About Me – Mz Trina

About Me

Hi, I’m Katrina and welcome to Mztrina.com, my personal development blog (Mz Trina was my street dancer name).

I’m a writer, online entrepreneur, hip hop dancer and world explorer who is passionate about spreading good vibes in a world filled with so much negativity.

I started blogging and dancing in 2005 while studying at the University of New South Wales.

Blogging led me to a corporate career in a tech start up and then an 8 year stint starting as a website content manager to leading Digital Transformation initiatives at Citi Australia. Dancing led me to open my own dance studio in the heart of Sydney.

After 10 years of working on both passions simultaneously, I called it quits and sold the dance studio to travel and then focus on building my own online businesses.

The purpose of Mztrina.com is to bring more joy into the world. I share my own experiences and lessons learned in the hopes that those who find me will feel a little happier and a bit more inspired to take action.

My Journey

MzTrina Hiphop.org.au

This is my outlet; this is my way of documenting events in my life to look back on, and for anyone else interested, they are welcome to share my journey. It is my way of showing gratitude to the people in my life who have taught me something, and hoping that others can learn from my experiences. I have found that 21 year old in me who was fearless and blissfully ignorant with a good balance of humility and self-confidence.

Confessions of a Serial Dancer

I’m that student who would stay quietly in the back corner of Darrio Street Dance’s Hip Hop dance class with my hoodie over my head, fully focused on replicating his smooth moves and exhilarated when chosen to perform at the end of the class alongside my mentor.

The student who would take classes every weeknight, then 9 hours straight on Saturdays and practice my moves in between lectures and classes at university. The student who would learn from anyone and take any opportunity to perform or join a crew.

There was DarrioStreetDance Crew which led me to be invited to Groovesteps, an all-Filipino group who hustled hard for a year and won the first Looze Control Dance Competition, Caramell (led by my good friend Mel which won the Shakedown Dance Competition in Sydney), the XY Project who won Audience Favourite at Kick Up The Dust Dance Competition at UNSW, then finally my creations, Shady Crew and Shady Ladies.

I’m that dancer you would see at the clubs (my training grounds), non-stop dancing for 6 hours and battling anyone who steps to me. The girl with the Adidas kicks in the corner enjoying the music by themselves.

Doing the hustle at Rock Lily, Star Casino, Sydney circa 2012

The dancer that would enter every competition, be at every event, win some big competitions and talk lots of shit. To be asked to judge all the major dance competitions and teach at various schools. The dancer who would also blog religiously for 3 years about hip hop and dancing until it all became too much, especially with a new long-term relationship at the same time.

I’ve battled in heels, straight from work

The girl who just happened to stumble across an opportunity to start their own dance studio (D2MG Hip Hop Academy, now Ace Dance Studios) while scoring a full time job doing digital geek stuff that she loved and deciding to ditch her Bachelor’s degree when reassessing her priorities. She was 21 years old.

I haven’t looked back since.


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